Gifts of India

Highlighting India's vast contributions to the world through comprehensive documentaries, correcting historical oversights and celebrating our rich heritage.

Started On
April 11, 2023
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The Gifts of India Project is an extensive and dedicated initiative by Prachyam, designed to highlight and document India's numerous contributions to the world. This project stemmed from our earlier endeavor, the 10 Indian Films Project, which aimed to create a series of 12-minute films on various Indian themes. However, as we delved deeper into each topic, it became clear that a mere 12 minutes would not suffice to do justice to the rich and expansive content. This realization led to the expansion of each film, often extending them to 30-40 minutes per part. Among these early projects, one particularly ambitious film, "India's Contributions to the World," stood out. It quickly became evident that the scope of this subject was far too vast to be confined to a single film. Thus, the Gifts of India Project was born.

Project Overview

The Gifts of India Project aims to produce comprehensive documentaries and films that explore India's profound and often overlooked contributions to global civilization. In a world where historical narratives have been predominantly Eurocentric, India's achievements have frequently been marginalized or ignored. This project seeks to correct that oversight by meticulously researching and presenting the myriad ways in which India has influenced and enriched the world.

Historical Context

For centuries, India's contributions to science, art, culture, and knowledge have been monumental. From pioneering advancements in mathematics and medicine to the profound philosophical and spiritual teachings that have shaped global thought, India's legacy is both vast and deep. Yet, much of this history has been overshadowed by colonial narratives that have painted India merely as a third-world country. The Gifts of India Project aims to reclaim and celebrate this heritage, shining a light on the true extent of India's contributions.

The Genesis of the Project

The inception of the Gifts of India Project can be traced back to the 10 Indian Films Project. Initially, we set out to create ten 12-minute films on various Indian themes. However, the depth and richness of the content soon made it clear that such brevity would not do justice to the subjects. This was especially true for the film on India's contributions to the world. The sheer number of significant contributions meant that a single film would either be superficial or excessively long. We realized that to adequately cover this topic, it would need to be a project in its own right. Thus, we decided to separate it from the 10 Indian Films Project and expand it into the Gifts of India Project.

Objectives and Goals

The Gifts of India Project aims to:

  • Document India's Contributions: Create detailed and engaging documentaries on various aspects of India's contributions to the world.
  • Correct Historical Oversights: Challenge and change the Eurocentric narratives that have marginalized India's achievements.
  • Educate and Inspire: Inform both Indian and global audiences about India's rich heritage and inspire pride in this shared history.
  • Collaborate with Experts: Work with leading Indologists and experts worldwide to ensure the accuracy and depth of our content.
  • Exclusive Content: Provide exclusive, high-quality content available primarily on and Prachyam TV, encouraging viewers to engage with our OTT platform.

Key Films and Themes

The project has already seen the release of several significant films, with many more in the pipeline. Each film focuses on a specific contribution of India to the world, providing detailed historical context, expert insights, and engaging storytelling.

  1. Kalari: The first film in the series, Kalari, explores the ancient Indian martial art of Kalaripayattu. This film delves into the history, techniques, and cultural significance of this martial art, showcasing its influence on global combat systems and physical training.
  2. Eternal Civilization: The second film, Eternal Civilization, was made in collaboration with the Indian Knowledge Systems Division of the Ministry of Education (IKS). This documentary takes viewers on a journey into Southern India's educational systems, highlighting how India pioneered many forms of knowledge transfer, language, and linguistics long before these concepts were known to the rest of the world.

Future Films

Looking ahead to 2024 and 2025, the Gifts of India Project plans to release a new film each month, each focusing on a different aspect of India's contributions. These films will cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Mathematics and Astronomy: Exploring India's pioneering contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including the concept of zero and significant advancements in trigonometry and algebra.
  • Medicine and Surgery: Highlighting ancient Indian medical texts and surgical techniques that laid the foundations for modern medicine.
  • Philosophy and Spirituality: Documenting the profound impact of Indian philosophy and spiritual teachings on global thought and practice.
  • Art and Architecture: Showcasing the artistic and architectural marvels of India, from ancient temples to intricate sculptures and paintings.

Call to Action

Prachyam invites viewers and supporters from around the world to join us in this monumental endeavor. We seek not only financial contributions but also suggestions for topics, experts, and resources that can help enrich this project. By participating, viewers can play a crucial role in bringing these important stories to a global audience.

Exclusive Content on Prachyam TV

To provide the best viewing experience and support our platform, most of these films will be available exclusively on and Prachyam TV. This approach ensures that our subscribers have access to high-quality, ad-free content that is both informative and inspiring.


The Gifts of India Project is a tribute to the immense contributions of India to global civilization. By documenting and sharing these stories, we aim to educate, inspire, and foster a sense of pride and appreciation for India's rich heritage. This project is not just about correcting historical oversights; it is about celebrating the spirit of innovation, resilience, and creativity that has defined India for millennia.

Join us in this journey to uncover and celebrate the Gifts of India, and help us share these remarkable stories with the world.

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