Where "Pride" is Dealt with Theological Tools.

The LGBTQ movement has generated opposition to itself from around the world. In this opposition, "the principle of enemy’s enemy is my friend" is often applied even when it is not warranted. In recent times, i.e., in June 2023, we have seen a lot of opposition to the woke, LGBTQ ideology in the US, by the Christian as well as the Muslim communities.
A Christian man was arrested for protesting a "Pride" event on a public street in Reading, PA. Damon Atkins was reciting a Bible verse when he was arrested as the man filming says, "I cannot believe I'm watching this." pic.twitter.com/SmvPlhr900
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 6, 2023
The majority of Christian and Muslim opposition to the LGBTQ movement is not because of its impact on society, the moral dimension, or even the biological harm to the children, but because of the theological opposition to the LGB part of the LGBTQ. Theologically, Islam and Christianity cannot accept a Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Person.
The #WokeArmy is dealt a lethal blow. The battlefront: Montgomery County, Maryland. TODAY. The hard-left came after the kids and Muslim parents aren’t having it. 🧵
Montgomery County Public Schools recently refused to allow parents to opt out of indoctrination that relates to… pic.twitter.com/KIMTI1fAIM
— Asra Nomani • Defeating the #WokeArmy (@AsraNomani) June 7, 2023
And their theological opposition is unamendable as it is (Bible and Quran) God’s word. E.g. in Bible…
- Leviticus 18:22 NIV
“‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
- Leviticus 20:13 NIV
“‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
And in Quran…
- 4:16: "And for those among your wives who are guilty of fornication, call up four of you as witnesses against her, and if they testify, lock her up in her house until her death, or until Allah gives her a And if two of you are guilty of this, punish them both. And if they repent and improve, then leave them alone, for Allah accepts repentance and is full of grace." (This verse about “zina” is generally interpreted as a prohibition against any sex outside of marriage and does not relate to 2 women).
- 7: 81-82: "You approach men with lust instead of women. No, you are a people who go beyond the limits." (also translated as: "You are excessive people")
- 11:80: "They answered: you (Lut) know that we are not entitled to your daughters and you know what we want."
- 11:83: "When our (Allah's) command came, we turned that city (Sodom) upside down and rained layer upon layer of clay on it."
- 11:87: "And his people rushed to him (Lut); they had committed bad deeds before. He said: people, here are my daughters, they are cleaner for you. Fear then God and do not disgrace me for my guests. " (by abusing the messenger of Allah)
- 11:79: "They said: You (Lut) know that we are not entitled to your daughters and you know what we want."
- 26: 166: "You approach the men of all creatures!"
Liberals were left stunned as Muslims & Islamists gathered on Tuesday to protest the Montgomery County (Maryland) School Board over its LGBTQ+ curriculum. The Muslims want to be able to remove their children from the classroom when that material is taught. pic.twitter.com/vgTai9erXQ
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) June 7, 2023
This Abrahamic opposition begins from opposing LGBTQ in schools, but the same doctrine, (not to mistake with the same people at all) ends up with stoning LGB to death. To be categorically clear, this is not to say that everyone from these two communities that oppose LGBTQ even from the theological perspective wants LGB to die, not at all. But they derive their opposition from books that are God’s own words and which dictate stoning LGB (with a different nomenclature obviously) to death. The only difference between an African Islamist or Christian country banning and punishing LGBTQ and a Western country not doing so despite being a Christian country is that the West industrialized. Industrialization helped the West to be liberal in spite of following the Abrahamic religion, not because of it. Even today, many African and middle eastern countries have death penalties for LGB relations. Eg…
- According to a 1984 law, Muslim men can be stoned for engaging in homosexual sex.
- Sodomy is declared a capital offense in Iran's Islamic Penal Code, enacted in 1991. Articles 233 through 241 criminalize both female and male same-sex activity; for a first offence, the death penalty only applies to some cases of Sodomy.
- Punishment for homosexuality in Yemen can originate from the codified penal code, or from people seeking to enforce traditional Islamic morality. This is why the opposition to LGBTQ from the Abrahamic theological perspective needs to be distinguished from the other opposition to the LGBTQ.
- In some regions, gay people have been murdered by Islamist militias and terrorist groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in parts of Iraq, Libya, and Syria, the Houthi movement in Yemen, and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
- Report of vigilante executions, attacks, beatings, and torture have been reported in heavily Christian and Muslim regions of Africa, in countries such as Algeria, Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, Liberia, Ghana, Cameroon, and Senegal.
- In July 2020, the sodomy law that previously punished gay men with up to 100 lashes for the first offence, five years in jail for the second, and the death penalty the third time around was abolished, with new legislation reducing the penalty to prison terms ranging from five years to life.
On the other hand, the Hindu’s opposition to LGBTQ is not from a theological perspective. Hindu Dharma does not prescribe stoning LGB to death because of their sexual orientation. Their opposition to LGBTQ ideology comes from its impact on society, the moral dimension, and the biological harm to children. These two oppositions to LGB although oppositions to LGBTQ ideology, are vastly different in character. Hindus are liberal in accepting the existence and liberty of LGB to be who they are not because of Industrialization but in spite of it. That is to say that Hindu society is inherently liberal when it comes to sexual orientation, unlike a Christian or Muslim society.
This is why the opposition to LGBTQ from the Hindus can use. ‘enemy’s enemy is my friend’ tactically, but not strategically.