Historical outlines of Ayurveda

Definition of Ayurveda
हिताहितं सुखं दुःखम्आयु: तस्य हिताहितम्।
मानंच तच्च यत्रोक्तम्आयुर्वेदुः स उच्यते।। ( चरक सुत्रस्थान 1:41)
Origin of Ayurveda.
If history is to be told, it has to be told in its true form, which can be accepted rationally. The cover of exaggeration placed on it should be removed and its pure original form should be presented.
Ayurveda science has been prevalent in India since ancient times and apart from the influence of modern medical terminologies and techniques in India, this Ayurveda science is maintaining its existence and re-transmitting its principles. One must understand what is really scientific in Ayurveda and how it is different from modern terms and more useful.
Many Acharyas an d Maharishis have given many stories of Ayurveda Manifestation. Considering commons and similarities, the knowledge of Ayurveda was first received from Brahma by Daksha Prajapati (one should be consider that accepting from brahma means gaining of this divine knowledge by worldly experiences and understanding the eternal principles of universe by Prajapati) and that knowledge was received by Ashwinikumar for the use of the gods. Through him that knowledge passed to lord Indra. It is mentioned that group of many famous Rishis received that knowledge from Indra to find a solution to the sufferings of the mrityu loka. Devodas Dhanvantari is also mentioned in Sushruta Samhita and Puranas.
Apart from these, Acharya Charaka ( 2nd century BC) is considered to be the original profounder of Ayurveda. Agnivesha is the main source of the knowledge contained in Charaka Maharshi's code. Later, Charak Maharshi reconciled all those concepts and Tantras.
Texts and Commentaries
Isn't it interesting that all this huge pack of knowledge repeatedly transmitted in Guru Shishya Parampara by oral transmissions? However later it compiled in the written formats. The main 3 famous and important texts are known as brihat-trayees (Charaka samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga hridaya by Vagbhatt )
Next to them, Laghutrayees are considered as best commentaries (Madhava nidana, Sharangadhara Samhita, Bhavaprakasha)
Sections of brihat trayees are made under the following categories. They are known as Sthanas.
1.Shloka Sthana / Sutra (General principles)
2.Nidana Sthana (Diagnosis of diseases)
3.Vimana Sthana (Specific determination of drugs)
4.Sharira Sthana (Anatomy including embryology)
5.Indriya Sthana (Prognostic signs)
6.Chikitsa Sthana (Therapeutics)
7.Kalpa Sthana (Pharmaceutics)
8.Siddhi Sthana (Successful administration of Panchakarma)
Totally there are 8 sthanas , 120 Adhyayas, 9295 shlokas.
Ayurveda : A Darshana
As we know about the whole thinking approaches of Hindus towards the world called as Darshanas. Like Sankhya , Vaisheshika , Nyaya, Yoga , baudha , Charvaka , Jain etc darshanas , Ayurveda is considered as a separate Astika Darshana.
Ayurveda accepted the following theories and principles which proves that it is an independent Darshana.

Globalization of Ayurveda
We know that Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine in the world. But in the invasion periods, there were many efforts to suppress the Ayurveda. Still, the ancient knowledge is still maintaining its existence and relevance. And today in the subverted mindsets and in the impacts of this modern allopathy and homeopathic Medical System of Medicine, Ayurveda is also lighting its knowledge in the universe. Even in the Wikipedia, Ayurveda is mentioned as 'pseudoscience' which does not hold true, Ayurveda is itself a science.
Countries like Japan, USA, Britain, Canada etc are exploring the world of Ayurveda and experiencing the benefits of it.
Duties of Ayurveda students, Scholars and researchers
अज्ञश्चश्रद्दधानश्च संशयात्मा विनश्यवि ।
नायंलोकोऽस्ति न परो न सुखंसंशयात्मनः॥
'A person who has no knowledge, no faith, and is completely corrupted by doubt. Even in this material world and in the transcendental world he does not get happiness, only because of his skeptical attitude.'
Those who do not know about Ayurveda and have zero knowledge , should not talk about it. Be it the 'reluctant students of Ayurvedic education' or the common people who have no experience of Ayurvedic treatment, such people should not talk about Ayurveda and ancient medicine without experience. Some of the degree students were saying, 'We are ashamed to put 'Vaidya' before our name.
So why do you study Ayurveda? Do MBBS... If you are ashamed to use 'Vaidya', change your names too! Keep Joseph, Yusuf.. it suits you better.
Some half knowledged people Says 'What is this useless Tridoshas and Prakritis and all'! Ah, this is Indian medical science, not your 'western' terminologies. These are all basic things that should be studied well initially. This is what you suspecting, and such students continue to practice allopathy later.
It is our duty to restore this ancient science to its glory, to remove the superstitions or useless processes that are inappropriate in today's times and to make it up-to-date. This is our national duty. Rather than hating Ayurveda, it is more necessary today to see how to make it more useful in today's age.
1. Sanskrit evam ayurvedic itihasa ( by Shashirekha )
2. Padartha Vijnyana ( by Dingari )
3. Images : Google and pinterest
4. Bhagvatgeeta
5. Sushruta samhita