Know Your Pakistan.

Pakistan was created for Muslims of India who wanted a pure Islamic country for themselves. The premise of Pakistan, the reason for existence of Pakistan is that Muslims of India did not want any Hindus or Hindu influences and cheerfully voted for splitting India into Islamic and non Islamic parts. The slogan for Pakistan was “Pakistan ka matlab kya? La illaha ill allah” meaning “What is the meaning of Pakistan. There is no god other than Allah.” Sure enough, as soon as Pakistan was formed they were unhappy with their decision. They got Pakistan, but they did not get the rest of India which they wanted. A slogan that was chanted after Pakistan was created was, “Hans ke liye Pakistan, Lad ke lenge Hindustan.” “We laughed and got Pakistan. We will fight and take Hindustan.” From 1947 until 1965 Pakistan’s main aim was to defeat and conquer India starting from Kashmir. Initial successes in capturing Gilgit Baltistan egged on the Pakistan army. Before the 1965 war Gen Ayub Khan. Pakistan’s military dictator expected to defeat India. He said “In general the Hindu will run at the first sound of a gunshot.” After repeated military failures, the people who oversaw the creation of Pakistan were all old and dying out by the 1970s when Pakistan got the drubbing of its life in the 1971war, proving that Islam was not a glue to hold the country together. Bangladesh was liberated by the Indian Armed Forces, and became a new country. After Pakistan tested a nuclear bomb in 1998, the Pakistan army tried to capture Kashmir once again in the Kargil war of 1999, thinking that India would be paralysed by fear of Pakistan’s nuclear prowess. Once again, the idea failed. But every time the Pakistan military failed it was claimed that India was the aggressor and that the Pakistan army foiled India’s plan to occupy Pakistan. This is how the Pakistan military passes off defeat as success every time.
The survival of Pakistan, even today, is claimed as victory of the Pakistan army over India. This has enabled that army to remain corrupt, rich and stay in power. From the late 1950s to 2021 the US poured in money into Pakistan almost without break. Before the 1971 war the US wooed Pakistan to help mend relations with China so that the Chinese would not side with the Soviet Union. In the 1971 war the US sent an aircraft carrier group into the Indian Ocean to support Pakistan against India, but the war got over before the US fleet came close. In later years,....